Your Personal Brand


Personal branding is not only a requirement for today’s businesses, but for anyone who wants to successfully navigate the job market or promote it.

These days it is not enough to have a good CV and professional education. Employers are looking for what sets us apart from other candidates.

Nowadays, social media plays the role of interpersonal communication. It is the source of all information and it is a marketing tool.  If we care about our image, before we create our accounts we should think about what we want to show the world.

According to a study, only 15% of people have defined their personal brand, and only 5% live according to it. That’s not everything. In fact, 70% of professionals believe that they have defined their brand, and 50% believe that they live according to it.

Unfortunately, in most cases, they have focused on self-promotion, not on what their personal brand is. A Personal brand is not only what we show on social media, but what we represent, how others feel about us, the impression we make on others and also what makes us unique. Personal brands show our values that we are able to deliver to our customers, future employers, clients or readers.

What does google search tell you about your topic, is it what you would like for your prospective employer or client to see?

If you care about your image and building your brand, first you should take a responsibility for who you are, expand your consciousness every day to live and manage your brand.

A Personal brand is a relationship; it is who you are and what you represent.

What is it like to be your friend?

What do others experience being in your company?

does this coincide with what you would like for them to experience?

If your friends don’t know what kind of person you really are, it’s time to think about who you are and what you represent.

With our personal brands, we become better leaders, we are authentic, and thus have a greater impact on others and on their lives.

Focus on being yourself in a natural way and to be the best version of yourself, not comparing yourself to anyone.

From an early age, we were accustomed to comparing with others, and even to imitate others. we lose our authenticity.  now is the time to be ourselves. Time to find each other and get rid of the desire to please others.

What your brand will be, it depends only on you and on your needs.  The only important thing is that you feel comfortable with what you’re doing.  Your brand should be a true reflection of your core values.

Choose three words that are very important to you and at the same time think about what you want to give to the world.  Try to choose them spontaneously, but you have to feel them resonate with you. If you still dont know what words to choose, think about what your three main values are. These three words should be your guide and one can formulate your motto, which will represent your personal brand.

If you have your business, it will be a cornerstone in the creation of the mission of your company.

Creating your personal brand requires discipline and commitment.  If you’re counting on immediate results, I have to disappoint you, you have to wait a bit but it is worth it.

If you need help creating your personal brand or you would like to get more information, please contact me.

Hanna Walter

Business and Career Coach

Dreams come true


When we were children, we had a head full of dreams, we firmly believed that everything would come true.

What happened to our dreams, when we became adults?

Now we have a unique opportunity to realize them.

In Everyday life, our work and children absorb us so much that our dreams are put aside for later, and sometimes, even forever.

Working as a coach, I noticed that sometimes people are afraid to even dream. They fear disappointment, so they deny themselves the pleasure of dreaming.

In fact, dreams are just goals, they differ only when we have not made a decision yet about our accomplishments, nor when we have a plan of how it will process.  With goals that fascinate and motivate us to get off the couch, life takes on a different dimension and meaning.

Conversion of dreams into goals makes the dreams become attainable. every day and every little step that we make towards it brings us closer to its realization.  The same way pleases us so that we are able to overcome the obstacles in her way, obstacles that we strengthen and reinforces the belief that this is what we really want.

In Finding our forgotten dreams, we also find what we really want in life

Allow yourself to dream. You can start by asking questions:

– What would you do if you had unlimited resources and faith that you will succeed?

– Are there any dreams that you are afraid to speak out loud?

Now think about your dreams, about things that you would like to do for fun, or what you would like to learn or want to try. Write down 10 things you would like to do for fun.

What would you like to see?

What would you like to build or create?

The answers to these questions show what you enjoy doing, what you are passionate about, what makes you feel that you are living life to the fullest.

Now, imagine yourself when you’re 80 and you are recalling your life.  Now look at your list of dreams and think about what you regret the most, if you’ve accomplished it.

How would you feel then?

How much will it cost you the non-fulfilment of this dream?

What do you lose, if you stay where you are now, nothing changing and striving to fulfil their dreams?

I hope you have answered the above questions and you already know the fulfilment of that dream, now start the implementation.

Remember you not able to eat a whole cake but you can try eating it piece by piece.

Start with a small step, it may be a decision to carry out your dreams, and thus it becomes your goal. Then list the steps that will lead to its implementation. Don’t forget to set a date to achieve this goal.

I hope you’re ready for this fascinating journey.

I wish you good luck and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, I believe you can do it.

Hanna Walter

Energy of creation


Every person who enters into the path of self-discovery in other words, self-development, at some stage meets with the concept of energy and spiritual development.

Today I would like to write about energy, about how I understand its use and how it affects our lives. This subject is very close to my heart.  I explore it for more than three years and it increasingly fascinates me, because energy affects all in our world.

My views on this subject are based on the books which are written by Dr Frank J. Kinslow “The secret of the quantum of living”, Dr Bruce Lipton “The Biology of Belief”, Dr Joe Dispenza “Breaking the habit of being yourself” and research HeartMath Institute in California.

I want to start with one of the theories of Albert Einstein, who discovered that energy and matter are one and the same.  Einstein revealed that “the universe is one, indivisible, dynamic whole, in which energy and matter are so deeply connected that they cannot be considered as separate items.”

If you already know that everything around us is made up of energy, what about our thoughts? The thought may not be as permanent as a table or a chair, but also have the energy and form.

What does this mean for us?

There is one saying which stated that “whether you believe that you will succeed or not, you’re right in both cases.”

Have you ever heard that our thoughts create our reality?

To understand this, we need to look at the smallest particles of matter, and that explains quantum physics.

In the twentieth century, many physicists have abandoned faith in the Newtonian, the material universe, because it realized that the universe is not made of matter suspended in the void, but with energy.

Atoms are composed of vortices of energy that constantly rotate and vibrate, and from them exudes energy.  Atoms do not have a physical structure.  Model of the atom quantum physics has nothing to do with the model of the atom, which we remember from school.

Atoms are made invisible energy and not a tangible matter.  The quantum universe bends the mind. “And so the matter can be defined as the tangible (particle) and as an intangible power fields (wave). When scientists study the physical properties of the atom, such as mass and weight, it looks and acts like a physical matter. However, when the same atoms are described for voltage potential, wavelength exhibit the properties and characteristics of energy (waves). ”

The universe is one, indivisible, dynamic whole, in which energy and matter are connected.

Quantum physics has discovered that which the observer experience, it changes the behaviour of the test object (the effect of the observer). This shows us that at the subatomic level, energy is responsible for our mindfulness and it becomes matter.

How it would change your life, if you applied this relationship in your daily life?

Dr of cellular biology Ph.D. Glen Rein has conducted research in the Institute of HeartMath in California, which confirmed the specific connection between our emotional state, and the rhythm of our heart. The field of our heart is an electromagnetic field, and it is five times stronger than the field of the brain. The heart reacts always first, before the information reaches the brain.

Rein tested a group of 10 people who practiced a technique called cardiac coherence, to induce feelings of love and gratitude, the test lasted for just 2 minutes. Dr Rein studied how it affects the DNA, fetch samples before and after the experience were tested, but the DNA did not show any changes.

The second group did the same, plus the expressed intention (thought). Is there any tangible result this time? Yes, the result was amazing, the DNA changed its shape with 25%.

The third group only formed the intention to change the DNA.  They were instructed not to enter in a positive emotional state.  What happened this time? DNA remained unchanged.

So, our intention (thought) needs a pacemaker and positive energy, which increases our emotions; because our heart and mind work together.

Feelings and thoughts within 2 minutes could change the shape of DNA, what is then the opportunity to create our reality? Quantum field corresponds not what we want, but who we are, it radiates with our energy.

So what signals are you sending to the creation of your reality? Is that what you want to materialize in your life?

Our thoughts sending an electromagnetic signal, which affects each atom in the world.

All potential opportunities exist in the quantum field, also known as a field of possibilities, potential, zero, Akasha records, field storage space, and even God.  The name depends on the method, but it is always the same field.

Routine thoughts, feelings felt during the day, our repetitive behaviours create the same reality in which we live. If you want to change some aspect of your reality, you must think, feel and act in a completely new way; you need to create a different state of mind and emotions. So, if you want to achieve new results, you need to become a new You.

With each day comes more scientific evidence on these statements, which already knew the ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, Aztecs etc. More people are interested in knowing more about the incredible strength that we have within us, from healing ourselves to changing our reality.

There are many methods and countless possibilities, only the mind can be our limit in the knowledge and application of these methods. Some of them are Matrix Energetic, Sync, Silva Method, Theta Healing, Two points Method, Huna Techniques.

For me, the closest to Two-point method, which I practice for three years. In short, it consists in entering the field of the heart, where we formulate an intention and realise.

I wish you open-mindedness and the quantum changes.