Rethink your Career

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Recent events that we are participants confirm the theory that the only certain thing in life is CHANGE.

Stability, certainty, and security have been finally undermined, we cannot count on it. Time for serious, long-term decisions regarding our lives, in particular our CAREERS. Decisions made consciously, out of the needs of our hearts, with developed awareness of ourselves.

The situation in which we find ourselves is a perfect time for many of us to rethink our career choices and it is a great opportunity to introduce significant changes and exit from the comfort zone, which is really gone.

At the beginning we have to make an informed decision, maybe for you it will be the first conscious decision that you make about your career! Many of us are accidentally at our current job. Some of us are in these jobs because someone recommended us or we got information that the company is looking for people and it pays well, or maybe our parents decided on our education or found a “perfect” job for us.

I remember my first job, I was 20 and I got my leaving certificate in my pocket at the time, friend of mine offered me to run his office through the holidays because later I wanted to go to university and his secretary was to come back from vacation. I didn’t go to university at that time, and the secretary did not return from her vacation, and I stayed there … for 8 years! It was supposed to be a summer job. 

 During this time, I studied, but without great passion, my choice was management and marketing.  The time for change came … But was my choice conscious after eight years? Of course not, having worked in logistics for so long, my choice of course was … logistics. There were so many companies that were looking for experienced employees just like me. Did I want it? I didn’t ask myself.  I didn’t see a different choice.  Stress, long working hours, my first child was three months old and she was at home with my husband all day.

I stayed there for two years. The time for change came again. Was my decision finally conscious? Of course not. I founded a … logistics company, because I had the experience. And after the first problems in my business, after two years I had no motivation to continue this.  Then I founded a debt collection company in response to market needs. Was this a conscious choice? Of course not. Did I finally learn something? Hmm, I didn’t know yet.

Moving to Ireland fell on me like a star from heaven (my husband got a job in Ireland) new life, new opportunities, sounded perfect for me.  Before my English was good enough, the recession came and I started working below my qualifications in a supermarket.  I don’t have to write that it wasn’t a conscious decision either.

After this life lesson, I finally began to ask myself very important questions, for the first time in my life I got to know myself, my sensitivity, which I always hid, my need to help people, empathy, intuition, I knew my power.  Because you don’t have to be an artist, professor, or doctor to understand that you have a talent and that each of us has our own mission to accomplish here on earth.

Everything I experienced sometimes hurt, but it was worth it, I built my immunity, it was a way I had to pass to be exactly where I am now. Each of us has his own way, his own story and one can read a lot from it. Take an A4 page now and write your story, it may even take you a whole day, but after this, you will be able to open your new chapter in your life, this time a conscious life.

Now I know how important our career choices are, it happened when I was 40 that I finally understood what the world wants from me and what I can give people and the world. I began to listen to my intuition, my heart, my truth, which was once incomprehensible to me, because before I used to associate my work only with duty and earning money.

Work is part of our lives and affects whether we feel happy or not. After 22 years of research at one of the universities (data from the article by Professor Sonja Lyubomirsky) on what makes people feel happy, it has been confirmed that one of the main factors is work, work that gives us satisfaction and fulfillment.

I don’t believe in saying it’s just a job, it’s a job where we spend about 8 hours a day, not counting commuting and thinking about it.

Does your work show WHO you really are?

Do you feel “at home” at your work?

Do you feel that you can be the best version of yourself by doing your job?

Do you feel this is your place?

With a career, it’s like a marriage, even if your choice was conscious, thoughtful and straight from the heart, you still have to get involved, give your best, develop your relationship and yourself, invest time and feelings.  Sometimes you may have a worse time, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave your job or end your relationship right away.  Sometimes a small change, new investment is enough, and it can change a lot, but if you feel that this is the moment and it’s not your place anymore then do it.

It is this time you have now to rethink your career, get to know yourself, your desires, dreams, maybe even to discover the purpose of your life.

Time to create a vision of yourself and your career for the coming years.

Vision + Plan + Discipline = Satisfaction + Success

In the next article, I will give details on how to create a vision and a plan, and you will have to handle discipline as long as you have the motivation to change and how attractive your vision will be 😊

When you do what you love while using your skills and talents, add a good plan and discipline to it, you can be sure that you will become an expert in your field and at the same time, you will feel fulfilled and happy, just as I feel now writing these words to you.

I wish you this with all my heart


Hanna Walter

Career Coach

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