Career – Follow your Heart


Tylko dla Kobiet (2)


“Don’t compromise yourself. You’re all you’ve got.” Janis Joplin

We have to choose our future career when we are 17-18 years old when we really don’t know anything about life and we don’t know who we are.  Happy people, who have a hobby or passion in their childhood and listen to their hearts from the beginning, usually choose the right one. I’m saying usually because sometimes their families try to advise them and they begin to doubt themselves, for example how can they live from painting, singing or dancing it won’t be easy to be an actress, you will not succeed, and so on.

Unfortunately, those who lack confidence, abandon their dreams and passions and finish college with a degree that is meant to give them certainty, but that doesn’t give them joy or happiness.  Then after ten or twenty years we might meet them at a psychologist and they are often diagnosed with depression. in the best-case scenario, they go to a coach, where they start everything from the beginning.  Or in the worst case they end up unhappy and complaining about their lives.

If they don’t have a passion, what are teenagers meant to do? If they’re a humanist, they go onto becoming a teacher, a psychologist or a  sociologist, and if they’re good at maths or physics they might go onto engineering.

Is this what planning out your life looks like? Does it have to be this way? These problems are not only encountered during your teenage years.  Adults find themselves at this stage again, after many years of working in the same profession.  They have some experience and know what they don’t want to do in life.  If you are in this moment in your life, ask yourself this:

– What do I really want to do?

– What makes me happy?

– What makes me feel like I’m alive?

– What kind of job would get me out of bed with enthusiasm early on Monday morning

What did you discover while answering those questions? Maybe you found your passion a long time ago, or have some ideas for your future job, but you have some doubts whether you could do it professionally or get money for it. Ask yourself questions:

– Does it help someone fulfil their dreams?

– Would it make someone happy?

– Does it satisfy someone’s needs?

Maybe you do not have the qualifications, you don’t know the language very well, you have a lack of experience or you don’t have a professional qualification.  Never give up on something just because of the time you have to sacrifice to achieve it.  Remember, time will always pass, and you will either start doing what you want, or you will always complain about your job and your life.  You might become depressed, feel stressed and in addition you might start blaming your boss or your bad luck.

But you might still not know what you want to do.

I understand you perfectly, if you really don’t know what to do next, but feel the need for change, then at this point the most important thing is to know yourself.  Find out what’s most important for you in your life.  Know you’re what you value in the world and about yourself.  Maybe these beliefs only limit you, they are long out of date or are not yours at all.  It’s time to change.

Don’t forget to find yourself and find out who you are.  Ask yourself:

What would I like to do and what can I give the world?

What’s important to me?

What problems about the world am I most concerned about and how can I solve them?

What are my strengths?

What am I good at?

What makes me different from others?

What do I do better than others?

What comes to me more easily than others?

It’s worth taking some time to find out what makes you happy and just start doing it.

Of course, I am not telling you to quit your job straight away.  If you can afford to do that then great.  I encourage you not to waste your talents.  Don’t give up on your passions, and step into the path your heart drives.  Maybe on the way you will discover a new passion and abilities that you did not know about.

Without this change, your life will be as it is.  If you want to change, then you have to start doing things you haven’t done yet, and that requires courage and that’s what I want you to do today.

I believe in YOU.

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