Career – Follow your Heart


Tylko dla Kobiet (2)


“Don’t compromise yourself. You’re all you’ve got.” Janis Joplin

We have to choose our future career when we are 17-18 years old when we really don’t know anything about life and we don’t know who we are.  Happy people, who have a hobby or passion in their childhood and listen to their hearts from the beginning, usually choose the right one. I’m saying usually because sometimes their families try to advise them and they begin to doubt themselves, for example how can they live from painting, singing or dancing it won’t be easy to be an actress, you will not succeed, and so on.

Unfortunately, those who lack confidence, abandon their dreams and passions and finish college with a degree that is meant to give them certainty, but that doesn’t give them joy or happiness.  Then after ten or twenty years we might meet them at a psychologist and they are often diagnosed with depression. in the best-case scenario, they go to a coach, where they start everything from the beginning.  Or in the worst case they end up unhappy and complaining about their lives.

If they don’t have a passion, what are teenagers meant to do? If they’re a humanist, they go onto becoming a teacher, a psychologist or a  sociologist, and if they’re good at maths or physics they might go onto engineering.

Is this what planning out your life looks like? Does it have to be this way? These problems are not only encountered during your teenage years.  Adults find themselves at this stage again, after many years of working in the same profession.  They have some experience and know what they don’t want to do in life.  If you are in this moment in your life, ask yourself this:

– What do I really want to do?

– What makes me happy?

– What makes me feel like I’m alive?

– What kind of job would get me out of bed with enthusiasm early on Monday morning

What did you discover while answering those questions? Maybe you found your passion a long time ago, or have some ideas for your future job, but you have some doubts whether you could do it professionally or get money for it. Ask yourself questions:

– Does it help someone fulfil their dreams?

– Would it make someone happy?

– Does it satisfy someone’s needs?

Maybe you do not have the qualifications, you don’t know the language very well, you have a lack of experience or you don’t have a professional qualification.  Never give up on something just because of the time you have to sacrifice to achieve it.  Remember, time will always pass, and you will either start doing what you want, or you will always complain about your job and your life.  You might become depressed, feel stressed and in addition you might start blaming your boss or your bad luck.

But you might still not know what you want to do.

I understand you perfectly, if you really don’t know what to do next, but feel the need for change, then at this point the most important thing is to know yourself.  Find out what’s most important for you in your life.  Know you’re what you value in the world and about yourself.  Maybe these beliefs only limit you, they are long out of date or are not yours at all.  It’s time to change.

Don’t forget to find yourself and find out who you are.  Ask yourself:

What would I like to do and what can I give the world?

What’s important to me?

What problems about the world am I most concerned about and how can I solve them?

What are my strengths?

What am I good at?

What makes me different from others?

What do I do better than others?

What comes to me more easily than others?

It’s worth taking some time to find out what makes you happy and just start doing it.

Of course, I am not telling you to quit your job straight away.  If you can afford to do that then great.  I encourage you not to waste your talents.  Don’t give up on your passions, and step into the path your heart drives.  Maybe on the way you will discover a new passion and abilities that you did not know about.

Without this change, your life will be as it is.  If you want to change, then you have to start doing things you haven’t done yet, and that requires courage and that’s what I want you to do today.

I believe in YOU.

Only for Women

Tylko dla Kobiet (1)

Today I would like to remind all women about the most important person and friend in their life, which they are for themselves.

I would like to remind you of the most important love in your life, which is love for yourself.

I would like to recall how important respect, care, trust and faith are to yourself.

You are wives, mothers, lovers, grandmothers, singles, sisters, employees, bosses.  You offer these roles commitment from morning to evening, and even 24 hours a day.

Often you are so tired of your hectic life that you forget about yourself. You are running around children, your partner, running after a promotion or the acceptance of someone, and forget about the most important acceptance, acceptance of yourself.

I would like to ask you to treat yourself every day like today, on March 8, men treat us, and even better, So that you have renewed relationship with your inner child with the cute little girl who had big dreams and for whom the world was open.

everything depends on you, you just have to make a decision:

From now on I will treat myself as I would like to be treated by my partner.

From today, I will be the most important person to myself.

From today, I will be very pleasant.

From today, I will start the day from smiling to myself in the mirror.

From today, I will tell myself – I love you, you’re my best friend.

From today, every day I will find at least 10 minutes for myself and do what makes me the most joyful.

Did you try it already? If not, try it.

Do you realize that you are unique and that if you will take care of yourself, your mood, emotions and health, you will become more self-confident and more beautiful?

You may say that you are not beautiful, but I can guarantee you that your charm and your bright eyes are much more important than pristine beauty.

Dear women, today we have the capability, which our grandmothers could only have dreamed of.

We have access to knowledge on any subject that interests us, often free of charge.

We can fulfil our dreams and pursue our passions.

We can change our lives at any time.

We can be strong and independent if we want to. Sometimes we lack courage, but once we take the first step in the right direction, nothing can stop us. We can fall, but we get up and try again.

If you are at a difficult time in your life and are wondering which way to go, ask your heart, and it certainly will choose the right path.

Just make sure you start to love yourself and that you would never do anything to spite your values in life. Knowing yourself is a key action before making a decision related to your future, work or a new relationship.

Today, I would like to wish you to believe in yourself and show the world your uniqueness.


Hanna Walter

Career and Business Coach

Dreams come true


When we were children, we had a head full of dreams, we firmly believed that everything would come true.

What happened to our dreams, when we became adults?

Now we have a unique opportunity to realize them.

In Everyday life, our work and children absorb us so much that our dreams are put aside for later, and sometimes, even forever.

Working as a coach, I noticed that sometimes people are afraid to even dream. They fear disappointment, so they deny themselves the pleasure of dreaming.

In fact, dreams are just goals, they differ only when we have not made a decision yet about our accomplishments, nor when we have a plan of how it will process.  With goals that fascinate and motivate us to get off the couch, life takes on a different dimension and meaning.

Conversion of dreams into goals makes the dreams become attainable. every day and every little step that we make towards it brings us closer to its realization.  The same way pleases us so that we are able to overcome the obstacles in her way, obstacles that we strengthen and reinforces the belief that this is what we really want.

In Finding our forgotten dreams, we also find what we really want in life

Allow yourself to dream. You can start by asking questions:

– What would you do if you had unlimited resources and faith that you will succeed?

– Are there any dreams that you are afraid to speak out loud?

Now think about your dreams, about things that you would like to do for fun, or what you would like to learn or want to try. Write down 10 things you would like to do for fun.

What would you like to see?

What would you like to build or create?

The answers to these questions show what you enjoy doing, what you are passionate about, what makes you feel that you are living life to the fullest.

Now, imagine yourself when you’re 80 and you are recalling your life.  Now look at your list of dreams and think about what you regret the most, if you’ve accomplished it.

How would you feel then?

How much will it cost you the non-fulfilment of this dream?

What do you lose, if you stay where you are now, nothing changing and striving to fulfil their dreams?

I hope you have answered the above questions and you already know the fulfilment of that dream, now start the implementation.

Remember you not able to eat a whole cake but you can try eating it piece by piece.

Start with a small step, it may be a decision to carry out your dreams, and thus it becomes your goal. Then list the steps that will lead to its implementation. Don’t forget to set a date to achieve this goal.

I hope you’re ready for this fascinating journey.

I wish you good luck and I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, I believe you can do it.

Hanna Walter