Your Personal Brand


Personal branding is not only a requirement for today’s businesses, but for anyone who wants to successfully navigate the job market or promote it.

These days it is not enough to have a good CV and professional education. Employers are looking for what sets us apart from other candidates.

Nowadays, social media plays the role of interpersonal communication. It is the source of all information and it is a marketing tool.  If we care about our image, before we create our accounts we should think about what we want to show the world.

According to a study, only 15% of people have defined their personal brand, and only 5% live according to it. That’s not everything. In fact, 70% of professionals believe that they have defined their brand, and 50% believe that they live according to it.

Unfortunately, in most cases, they have focused on self-promotion, not on what their personal brand is. A Personal brand is not only what we show on social media, but what we represent, how others feel about us, the impression we make on others and also what makes us unique. Personal brands show our values that we are able to deliver to our customers, future employers, clients or readers.

What does google search tell you about your topic, is it what you would like for your prospective employer or client to see?

If you care about your image and building your brand, first you should take a responsibility for who you are, expand your consciousness every day to live and manage your brand.

A Personal brand is a relationship; it is who you are and what you represent.

What is it like to be your friend?

What do others experience being in your company?

does this coincide with what you would like for them to experience?

If your friends don’t know what kind of person you really are, it’s time to think about who you are and what you represent.

With our personal brands, we become better leaders, we are authentic, and thus have a greater impact on others and on their lives.

Focus on being yourself in a natural way and to be the best version of yourself, not comparing yourself to anyone.

From an early age, we were accustomed to comparing with others, and even to imitate others. we lose our authenticity.  now is the time to be ourselves. Time to find each other and get rid of the desire to please others.

What your brand will be, it depends only on you and on your needs.  The only important thing is that you feel comfortable with what you’re doing.  Your brand should be a true reflection of your core values.

Choose three words that are very important to you and at the same time think about what you want to give to the world.  Try to choose them spontaneously, but you have to feel them resonate with you. If you still dont know what words to choose, think about what your three main values are. These three words should be your guide and one can formulate your motto, which will represent your personal brand.

If you have your business, it will be a cornerstone in the creation of the mission of your company.

Creating your personal brand requires discipline and commitment.  If you’re counting on immediate results, I have to disappoint you, you have to wait a bit but it is worth it.

If you need help creating your personal brand or you would like to get more information, please contact me.

Hanna Walter

Business and Career Coach

The beauty of difference between us


We all know that everyone is different and unique. Every one of us has different qualifications, different stories.

How, in a world full of contradictions, different opinions and views, can we reach agreements? In our hearts, we are all very much alike. We want to love, be loved, be happy and healthy. We often forget about this and see only what divides us and the differences between us.

What we can do about this relies only on us. It’s based on valuing differences all mental, physical and psychological. Having this attitude is the foundation of good cooperation and understanding others.

How many times do we meet people who only believe that they are right, that don’t even think there is a probability that someone with a different opinion could also be right.

A person open to differences realizes that everyone can have a different opinion. He/she appreciates and understands these differences.

Often, differences arise from a different interpretation of facts. Understanding that even if we have different opinions we can still both be right, is crucial in this situation- help me see it from your perspective, how do you see it?

Thanks to this we can avoid unnecessary conflict.  By appreciating the differences, we create a great opportunity for cooperation- synergy. This is true both at work and at home.

Working in groups or in pairs, problem solving and having different opinions on a given subject makes us more creative, more engaged and committed to what we create.

We have to remember that we are all “connected”. Our attitude, mood and energy affect everyone in our environment. We can always find something good in others that we can use to expand our view of the world. Changing our attitude will encourage others to be more open to us and to appreciate the differences between us.

Whenever you’re talking to someone with a different opinion you can say- ok that’s your opinion, you see it differently. Through this you are telling him that you value his opinion that he might be right.

Even if you are convinced that only your solution is correct, you can find a third solution, where you’ll both be happy.

Now consider this: do you have anyone that you are close to, that irritate you? If so, think about whether you’re focused on the appreciation of the differences between you or if you could come to an agreement with these people?

Next time you are discussing something, try to understand what might be behind the attitude of that person.

In conclusion, I would like to mention that longest experiment in history, which lasted 75 years. It was initiated by Harvard university and psychiatrist Robert Waldinger.  It was to explain what makes humans happy and healthy. Two groups were studied. One consisted of very educated and the other of people from the lowest social group. The results were very clear.  What makes us happy and healthy is not fame and money but social connections to family, friends, community and good relationships with our loved ones.

So let us value our relationships because true happiness comes from having someone to share it with.